News of the Week: Feb. 12-18
“The Times To Cut 100 News Jobs,” 2.15.08, C1
Well, this is the beginning of the end, as far as I can see. They’re putting a good face on it, but this is the newspaper with more reporters and editors than any other – 1,332. They have already made significant cuts at their other properties, including the Boston Globe, and now it’s apparently time to spend its capital. Buried in the story is the interesting fact that 10 percent of its stock is now held by two hedge funds, and that there is increasing pressure to “improve the bottom line.” They are now also feeling pressure from The Wall Street Journal, recently purchased by Rupert Murdoch of NewsCorp. He wants it to be an alternative to The Times. Why, nobody knows – that’s just his style. I don’t care if the paper part of newspapers go, but who will do news? They’ve apparently been hurt by the $3 million annual cost of covering the war in Iraq and the endless presidential campaign – in other words, too much news. Weird. When will newspapers realize that their core mission is news, not paper? Obviously, they haven’t and won’t until it’s too late. We’re all the losers. No, sorry, I forgot. The stockholders and the hedge funds will win.
“Judge Says Use of MySpace May Violate a Court Order,” 2.15.08, C11
I just thought this was curious. MySpace is now considered a “form of contact,” that violated a restraining order. Is MySpace a public space or private? Is receiving an invite to join your MySpace site from someone who has been ordered to leave you alone a violation, just as a phone call or knock on your door would be? Apparently yes. I guess I’d agree.
“Signs in Kenya of a Land Redrawn by Ethnicity,” 2.15.08, A1
This is so strange – that a sophisticated country could descend into the chaos of ethnic gangs. One man said his shop was burned down by people with whom he used to play soccer. The term “ethnic cleansing” is now being used to describe what’s been happening since the contested election of two months ago. Kenya was supposed to be a model for what Africa could become. This kind of gang mentality seems to be a poison on this continent. The issue, according to this article, is land. Some ethnic groups felt that others had unfairly gotten land that should have been theirs decades ago. It’s just the Middle East all over again. At least 600,000 people have been uprooted. Many are eating rats to survive. Gangs wielding table legs and iron bars are terrorizing people. It’s just sad.
“When Strains on Military Families Turn Deadly,” 1.15.08, A1
This was horrifying. A young woman was killed by her husband, who was supposed to be confined to his base. They were both Iraq war veterans. She’d done everything right – getting a restraining order, sending her kids to her mother’s. He shot her in the head as she walked out of her house. The army’s answer to the last such incident ten years ago was parenting classes and victims’ advocates. Some say that it’s lost its priority because “we’re in a war.” Sounds like the war is being played out in families. The military is apparently sending convicted domestic abusers to war. One might say it’s a perfect match. Ironically, it may be that because the sanctions for such abuse are now stronger, it may prevent women from reporting it. The article includes story after story of men gone crazy. But, we’re in a war.
Well, this is the beginning of the end, as far as I can see. They’re putting a good face on it, but this is the newspaper with more reporters and editors than any other – 1,332. They have already made significant cuts at their other properties, including the Boston Globe, and now it’s apparently time to spend its capital. Buried in the story is the interesting fact that 10 percent of its stock is now held by two hedge funds, and that there is increasing pressure to “improve the bottom line.” They are now also feeling pressure from The Wall Street Journal, recently purchased by Rupert Murdoch of NewsCorp. He wants it to be an alternative to The Times. Why, nobody knows – that’s just his style. I don’t care if the paper part of newspapers go, but who will do news? They’ve apparently been hurt by the $3 million annual cost of covering the war in Iraq and the endless presidential campaign – in other words, too much news. Weird. When will newspapers realize that their core mission is news, not paper? Obviously, they haven’t and won’t until it’s too late. We’re all the losers. No, sorry, I forgot. The stockholders and the hedge funds will win.
“Judge Says Use of MySpace May Violate a Court Order,” 2.15.08, C11
I just thought this was curious. MySpace is now considered a “form of contact,” that violated a restraining order. Is MySpace a public space or private? Is receiving an invite to join your MySpace site from someone who has been ordered to leave you alone a violation, just as a phone call or knock on your door would be? Apparently yes. I guess I’d agree.
“Signs in Kenya of a Land Redrawn by Ethnicity,” 2.15.08, A1
This is so strange – that a sophisticated country could descend into the chaos of ethnic gangs. One man said his shop was burned down by people with whom he used to play soccer. The term “ethnic cleansing” is now being used to describe what’s been happening since the contested election of two months ago. Kenya was supposed to be a model for what Africa could become. This kind of gang mentality seems to be a poison on this continent. The issue, according to this article, is land. Some ethnic groups felt that others had unfairly gotten land that should have been theirs decades ago. It’s just the Middle East all over again. At least 600,000 people have been uprooted. Many are eating rats to survive. Gangs wielding table legs and iron bars are terrorizing people. It’s just sad.
“When Strains on Military Families Turn Deadly,” 1.15.08, A1
This was horrifying. A young woman was killed by her husband, who was supposed to be confined to his base. They were both Iraq war veterans. She’d done everything right – getting a restraining order, sending her kids to her mother’s. He shot her in the head as she walked out of her house. The army’s answer to the last such incident ten years ago was parenting classes and victims’ advocates. Some say that it’s lost its priority because “we’re in a war.” Sounds like the war is being played out in families. The military is apparently sending convicted domestic abusers to war. One might say it’s a perfect match. Ironically, it may be that because the sanctions for such abuse are now stronger, it may prevent women from reporting it. The article includes story after story of men gone crazy. But, we’re in a war.
A1: Four paintings worth $163 million were stolen from a Switzerland Art Museum. The three who stole the paintings were wearing black ski masks and were seen driving away in a white van. The paintings were created by famous Van Gough, Degas, Monet and Cezanne.
A1: Distractions for drivers behind the wheel come easily these days. iPods, cell phones, blackberries, DVD players, and other electronics are quickly creeping their way into many vehicles. With all the distractions, many drivers are taking their eyes off the road and focusing on one of the items in their “family room.” This article talks about our cars being so equipped with “distractions,” that they are now considered to be moving chaotic living rooms. Accidents and many ‘close-calls’ happen due to all the distractions. Vehicle makers are slowly inventing a more simplified version of voice commands in cars.
A11: Two journalists who report for CBS are reportedly missing. The two went to Basra, Iraq. Basra has been known to be a place of attacks of journalists. There were reports on an Iraqi news network that two journalists had been abducted in their hotel. However, CBS refused to comment on this fact.
A13: There was an explosion at a sugar refinery in Georgia. The explosion has led to a four day old fire that has caused six deaths, many injuries, and now two are still missing. The explosion is thought to be from exploding sugar dust. Searchers will start to go through the mess once the fire is out and debris is cleared.
C10: BlackBerry’s have experienced another flaw: users cannot connect to the Internet. In 2007, BlackBerry had an issue resolving situations with wireless e-mail. This is BlackBerry’s second “technical snag.” Not all users experienced the problems, yet many did. About 8 million of the 12 million BlackBerry users are in North America.
A14: Lake Mead in both Nevada and Arizona is expected to dry up in less than 13 years. This lake supplies large cities such as Phoenix and Las Vegas with deliverable water. Everyone was shocked to learn that the lake would dry up so quickly; they thought they had more time. There was an agreement made between the stated that would help them allocate the water if it did run dry, however, climate change was not factored into the picture.
A19: The State University of New York is finally enforcing their rule of students earning a 2.0 GPA. Since 1994, the rule of holding a 2.0 GPA to stay living on campus has been ignored. Since the rule has been recently re-enforced, 87 students living on campus have been kicked out of the dorms. Some students claim it’s easy to earn a 2.0, while others are seemingly struggling.
A1: Roger Clemens, a New York Yankee baseball player, insisted on having a hearing which lasted for four hours, in order to help clear his name for using HGG and steroids in baseball. Both Clemens and his trainer were questioned. Andy Pettitte submitted statements about conversations that he had with Clemens about using HGH. The democrats seemed to mainly go against Clemens, while the republicans seem to be more harsh on McNamee. When questioned about the statements that Pettitte made in the affidavit, Clemons told Petite that he had told him he used HGH. Nothing has been decided yet but it looks like Clemen’s is in trouble.
C18: Oscar Pistorius is a double amputee sprinter who has set world records in the 100, 200, and 400 meters for the Paralympics. Although his fastest time is not technically fast enough to qualify himself for the Olympic Games, Pistorius is upset that he is banned from competing in the games all together. His prosthetic blades are said to give him an unfair advantage in the races. It was tested that the prosthetic parts are more efficient than a human’s ankles. Pistorius’s has a goal of running in the Olympic Games.
A23: Bats are the second most numerous mammal other than rodents. There are about eleven hundred species found in the world. Scientists were not sure if flight was developed first or if echo location was. Fossils were found in Wyoming (that were 52 million years old) of bats that had wings but they lack the adaptations of sonar. Skeletons more closely resemble fruit bats of today that don’t need sonar because they feed on fruit. This discovery seems to prove that flight was found firs in bats.
A1: McCain does not seem to want President Bush always on his side when doing republican fund-raising. Democrats seem to be using every opportunity to link Bush and McCain together. Republicans are not supporting Bush as his approval ratings are still dropping. Republicans still only approve of Bush 66%.
A4: Shrimp in Jamacia along the Rio Grande River, called Janga, are commonly eaten. These shrimp used to be fished at night using a torch and a spear but that way was found to take too long. People started to pour poisons into the river and those kill the fish and the big shrimp that it comes into contact with, so they float to the surface. People scoop them up with nets. Dumping poisons is illegal yet it’s become widespread, but people are getting sick from eating poisoned shrimp. The poison is also contaminating their drinking water. The government is starting to crack down on people poisoning the water because it hurts the ecosystem. Fish and shrimp are becoming scarce in certain areas of the river as well.
A1: 143 million pounds of ground beef was recalled from a California slaughterhouse. The slaughterhouse supplies school lunch programs. Downer cows are not supposed to be used for ground beef because they are at risk for mad cow disease. A video was shot where workers were seen kicking cows and using forklifts to shock them, forcing them to walk. This recall was four times bigger than the last one, which was for 35 million pounds on ground beef in 1999.
Wed, Feb 13, 2008:
Limbo for U.S. Women Reporting Iraq Assaults.
This story is about women who worked in Iraq being sexually assaulted by co-workers. It’s useless for them to complain because according to New York Times, “after complaining to the company about the threats and harassments endured by female employees in Iraq, she was fired”. This was what happened to one of the victims, Mery Beth Kineston, an Ohio resident who worked at Iraq. KBR, one of the companies have asked their employees to actually privately solve their claim rather than sue them in American courts which brought up the national attention. Another victim stands up and voiced out her claim. Jamie Leigh Jones had been gang-raped co-workers in Iraq in 2005. She urged the law-makers to make it easier for them to sue the employers. This is because every time when they filed a complaint, the complaints disappeared. This article is seriously grabbing attention of women world-wide. Women should stand up for their own rights, but not suffer in silence.
Obama Captures Two More States by Big Margins.
Senator Barack Obama had won over Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton in Virginia and Maryland. This means that he’s standing a higher chance to become the president of the United States. His voters not only came from African American, younger voters, but also the women and lower-income people. Now, this is a great chance for blacks to compete with the whites. Equal chances for both democrats candidates.
Students Forced Out of Dorms as a SUNY Campus Cracks Down on Grades. (A19)
A student from the State University of New York, Denisha Dennis had been kicked out from staying on campus when her grade point average fallen below 2.0. An explanation from her was that “with all the changing and transfers, I can’t concentrate on studying, so it’s five hours a day wasted”. I’m completely neutral in this special case. On one hand, I’m supporting the policy that students must remain a total of 2.0 and above cumulative average in order to get their place in the University’s dorm. In my opinion, students who strive so hard for their academic result deserve to enjoy all the advantages provided by the university. There were students who actually said that “it’s easy to keep a 2.0”, which I strongly agree if a little more effort is being put in. For this case, I have no comment because I have no clue how Denisha’s “changing and transferring” situation goes.
Thursday, Feb 14, 2008
Vicious Killing Where Troubled Go to Seek Help.
It was a tragedy which involved two innocent people and one cruel killer. One of the victims Dr. Faughey was declared dead at the scene while the other one, Dr. Shinbach was seriously injured but survived. The intention and motives of the killer is unclear. Meanwhile, Dr. Shinbach was unable to recognize the killer, police said. The doorman, on the other hand, said he was almost certain that he could identify the attacker, 99.9% out of 100%, which is of course a good thing to know.
The sweet smell of... Nothing.
Perfumes, something that tends to be Valentine’s best gift ever. Consumption of fragrances is declining while the number of perfumes on shelves has increased, said industry analysts. Traditionally, women don’t wear fragrances because of the high costs. Nowadays, people don’t use it because it might bother someone around. The smell might not be comfortable for someone. Different people might have different perception about perfumes. So, choose yours and do not let the smell interfere with the one beside you!
Friday, Feb 15, 2008
Gunman slays five in Illinois at a university.
Another sad case. Five students were killed with perhaps 20 times gun shot. Sixteen others at the Northern Illinois University were injured. The gunman with two handguns, including a Glock, and the shotgun also died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound according to the NYT. He was a graduate student from the University, but no longer enrolled. The whole tragedy started and ended within a second of time. Hopefully this type of case would not happen again as it threaten the innocents’ life. University authorities should carry the responsibility of student’s safety. The state of Illinois has promised to provide any assistance if there’s a need, which is glad. Deepest condolences for the students.
Striking When the Spirit was Hot (B 35)
An amazing art piece by Helena Almeida 1975. “Pintura Habitada” has really reflected the theme on “Art and the Feminist Revolution”. Woman still do not have an equal share in everything that they do, but not art. The picture is just so wonderful.
Monday, Feb 18, 2008
Poverty is Poison (A19)
“Poverty in early childhood poisons the brain.” This means that children that grown up in a poor family will most likely to have “unhealthy levels of stress hormones.” Traditionally, parents’ status determined everything. This article explains that the U.S. government should act immediately in order to against poverty. Do not ever let poverty to influence innocent children anymore.
“High-Tech Invitations Take Your Mind Off The Road.” Today’s drivers, especially young drivers are being inundated with more and more high tech automotive devices that we’re not paying enough attention to the road. The article hit the nail on the head citing the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration who estimates that 80 percent of vehicle crashes and 65 percent of “close calls are caused in part by driver distraction. To me, it’s no surprise that mobile devices are a huge culprit to automobile accidents, especially for teens.
C1 – C4
“G.E. At Home In The World.” CEO Jeffrey R. Immelt has been moving different G.E. areas of business over seas in an effort to better relate with its European and Asian customers. Before 2004, he felt this was an unnecessary to move any operations over seas. It started with moving G.E. Healthcare from Wisconsin to outside of London England. Next, he moved research facilities to Munich, Shanghai, and Bangalore. And so on and so on. While one might ask what company benefits there are to moving an American company out of the country, one also has to look at the fact that last year, GE’s overseas sales were higher than that of its national sales. The move to overseas operations isn’t only for profit. The company is taking a new stance on international business relations. With new training programs, American executives are learning to treat foreign-born colleagues as equals and not subordinates. The process has also led to new opportunities for people of similar education from different countries. Americans are going to have to get used to the fact that they may be in competition with applicants from every corner of the world. Although, I don’t like the fact that jobs are moving overseas, I do like the lesson’s being taught to American business people.
“Ford Introduces One Small Car for a World of Markets” Ford is planning on bringing back the Fiesta nameplate and plans on producing the same car for every country it’s sold in. This going to help them compete with companies like Toyota and Honda. All I can say is that it’s about time. Ford could have done this a decade ago when they brought in the Ford Focus, but because someone thought it’d be a great idea to sell different versions of the same car, the same parts had to be redesigned for each country. This easily cost the company hundred of thousands of dollars that could have been made. Plans like this usually seem to happen too late to make a difference, so I’ll be interested in seeing what happens with the Ford Fiesta.
“Technology Can Be a Blessing for Bored Workers.” It’s no fact that many jobs require some outside stimuli to keep a person going. What I don’t understand is why New York City is putting forth so many regulations to keep people off of their cell phones and not listening to radios that it’s getting to be ridiculous. I understand not using cell phones while driving, but not being able to listen to music while cleaning streets is dumb.
In the New York Times 2/12/08-2/18/08
Tuesday, 2/12/08
“CBS Reports 2 Journalists Missing in Iraq”, A10
Two CBS reporters have been reported missing in southern Iraq, in the city of Basra. Reporter abductions have been increasing in Basra over the past few years.
“Battle Against Counterfeit Drugs Has New Weapon: Pollen”, A10
China, once again, has been getting complaints of fake drugs. A task force of scientists, public health workers, and police investigators conducted pollen analysis to track down the source of counterfeit drugs…..they found an organized crime ring did it. The fake drugs are thought to be distributed to undermine the fight against malaria. One million die each year from it. Studies have also shown that between 1/3rd to ½ of all artesunate tablets in mainland Southeast Asia are fake.
Wednesday, 2/13/08
“The Tale of the Dead Texas Dog Is Biting the Mayor Who Told it”, A1
Ex-mayor, Grace Saenz-Lopez from Alice, Texas agreed to take care of her neighbors’ sick dog, then lied to the neighbors that the dog had died and she buried it. Ms. Saenz-Lopez is being charged with tampering with evidence and fabricating a police report. Her sister, Gracy Garcia, is being charged for concealing evidence. This felony charge could put the 64-year old women away for 10 years. The ex-mayor said recently that she was only trying to save that dog from an imminent death.
“Warding Off Evil Spirits, But Not Toll of Affluence”, A4
On Miyako Island, Japan, they have processions and religious rites to ward off evil spirits. The ancient rituals are performed by the elderly women, called priestesses, who are entrusted with protecting the villages’ sacred forests, wells, springs, and oracles. But less and less younger women these days seem willing to become priestesses when they retire due to having jobs. There are only 10 priestesses left. Many can see an end to this ancient ritual because the new generation doesn’t want to learn it. We’re seeing this more and more each day. In S.C., the basket weaving tradition is also being lost because of the new generation’s unwillingness to learn. I think it’s sad.
Thursday, 2/14/08
“Interpreter Freed in Iraq, But Journalist Is Still Captive”, A12
They released the interpreter, but not the journalist. We are hoping to recover the journalist within the next 24 hours. The two men were abducted on Sunday.
“2 Sue to Void Ban on Same-Sex Marriage”, A20
In Denver, Colorado, a lesbian couple is suing the state to overturn its ban on gay marriage. The suit was brought on by the recorder’s office refused to give a marriage liscence. The trial date is April 14th. This is a fight against sexual orientation discrimination. They are on a mission to change the laws.
Friday, 2/15/08
“Gunman Slays Five in Illinois At a University” A1
A gunman opens fire in the front of a lecture hall, firing ammunition into the body of students. The gunman was a graduate student who was no longer enrolled. After the shooting spree, the gunman killed himself.
“In Remote Valley, a Grim Redefinition of ‘Fishing’”, A4
In Rio Grande Valley, Jamaica, poachers are using poison in the rivers to catch jumbo shrimp, janga. The poison is polluting the water and hurting the ecosystem. Many villagers are starting to protest the practice, putting violators in jail instead of letting them sell their catch in the markets.
Monday, 2/18/08
“No Windows, No Heat, No Staff, No Rent. This Is a Gallery?”, B1
A warehouse that has no heat, windows, staff, or rent, artists are free to display their art here. It’s not advertised, anyone can come in and look at the art…or steal it.
12:07 PM
Here are my notes for the last week of The New York Times:
2-18-08 A 1~ A Big Time Injury Striking Little Players’ Knees. Collin Link, 11 was tackled at a football game he was playing in and hurt his knee. Come to find out that he tore his ACL which was for the longest time thought only to happen to adults. But with the growing of technology any injury will be scanned and now there is a huge increase of ACL tears being found. Even an increase in female torn ACLs, by eight times.
2-18-08 A 7~ Woman in Tanzania waits for the arrival of President Bush. They wear dresses that have his face all over them.
2-18-08 A 8~ Chaves Backs off Threats to Halt Oil Exports to the U.S. Pres. Hugo Chaves in Venezuela backs off the idea to halt exports of oil because he no longer feels the threat of President Bush coming to take over Venezuela for the oil. 1.25 million barrels of oil are imported to the U.S. everyday.
2-18-08 A 18~ A $ 1 Million Donation, and $ 250,000 more to Explaine it. Patricia Cornwell, author donated $1 million dollars to John Jay College for a new crime scene investigation academy. She the received so much flack about why she did it she took out a three page spread to explain why.
2-18-08 A 18~ One Friend Facebook Hasn’t Made Yet: Privacy Rights. People are losing job offers because of employers looking at Facebook and MySpace to find out more information about the people. Also the younger generations do not care because they have been brought up to no care what others think.
2-19-08 A 1~ New Trove in Kennedy Killing; New Theory Sure to Follow. Contents to a safe were found containing clothing worn by Lee Harvey Oswald and a small tooled leather holster belonging to Jack Ruby who killed Oswald and piles of crinkled documents that seemed to be like a play of the incident of killing Kennedy. New theories are being produced.
2-19-08 A 15~ In Southern California, A Cotton Industry Fades. Brawley California in the Imperial Valley the last of seven cotton gins is shut down. Due to acreage losses and pest infestations the cotton companies can no longer produce cotton and the costs it takes to produce it.
2-19-08 A 15~ With Oil Prices Rising, Wood Makes a Come Back. With the increase of oil prices people are cutting down their costs not only with bill but with wood as an increase of wood stoves are bought to heat homes with the conventional way of burning wood.
2-19-08 A 17~ A Strong Endorsement For Mc Cain From a Former President. Former President Bush Sr. announced that he will be backing Sen. Mc Cain for the Presidency. While in WWII Bush served under Mc Cain’s Grandfather.
2-19-08 A 21~ Explosion at Texas Oil Refinery. In west Texas an oil refinery busted into flames sending one hospitalized with burns and others minor injuries. No reason yet why the refinery went up in flames.
2-20-08 A 1~ Castro Quits, But Casts a Wide Shadow in Cuba. Castro turned in his resignation after almost 50 years of ruling Cuba. Looking for brother Raul to be the next President. However, no matter what happens the power of the country will be left with in the inner circle of the Castro bothers. Raul is 76 and Fidel is 81.
2-21-08 A9~ Journalist Sentenced to Death in Iran, Accused of Terrorism. Journalist was accused of being a member of the group Jundallah and crimes against national security. Mr. Mirnehad may still appeal the decision but chances are slim.
2-21-08 A 12~ Most Children Still Live in Two-Parent Homes, Census Bureau Reports. Seven in ten children live with two parents. Six in ten live with both biological parents. Drawn from 2004 census. 1970: 85% lived with both parents and 11% lived with just mothers. Proportion of children who live with both parents: 87% Asians, 78% non-Hispanic whites, 68% of Hispanics and 38% of African Americans.
2-21-08 B 1~ SNL is ready to make up for lost time ( Clinton and Obama, beware).
Loran Michaels said that after the writers strike is now over watch out for new and exciting skits to come. This strike is nothing new to him because he has already gone through a few before.
-Heather Smith
I'm concerned about the Democratic Republic of Congo. The huge humanitarian crisis is not being alleviated. Many are due to fighting, disease, and malnutrition. The women and children are the ones who are extremely effected by this war. Many are raped, murdered, or made into child soldiers. Why is media coverage so poor? I'm sure it has to do with access, but why is it not discussed? Millions of people have died and about half are children. Yet nations benefit from the mineral resources in the DRC, nothing is being done to save and protect people.
Well, I can't tell you where I'm going
I'm not sure of where I've been
But I know I must keep travelin'
Till my road comes to an end
I'm out here on my journey
Trying to make the most of it
I'm a puzzle I must figure out
Where all my pieces fit
Like a poor wayfairing stranger
That they speak about in song
I'm just a weary pilgrim
Trying to find what feels like home
Well, that is no one can tell me
Am I doomed to ever roam
I'm just travelin' travelin' travelin'
I'm just travelin' on.
Questions I have many
Ansewers but a few
We're here to learn the spirit burns
To learn the greater truth
We've all been crusified
And they nailed Jesus to the tree
And when I'm born again
You're gonna see a change in me
God made me for a reason
And nothing is in vain
Redemption comes in many shapes
With many kinds of pain
Oh, sweet Jesus if you're out there
Keep me ever close to you
As I'm stumbling tumbling
As I'm traveling through
I'm just traveling traveling traveling.
I'm just traveling through
I'm just traveling traveling
I'm just traveling through
Oh sometimes the road gets rugged
And it's hard to travelin' on
But hold in to each other
We don't have to work alone
When everything is broken
We can mend it if we try
We can make the world a difference
If we want to we can fly.
Good-bye you little children
Good-night you handsome men
Farewell to all you ladies
And to all who knew me when...
And I hope I'll see ya down the road
You meant more than I knew
As I'm travelin' travelin' travelin' travelin' travelin' through
Drifting like a floating boat
And roaming like the wind
Oh give me some direction lord
Let me lean on you
As I'm travelin' travelin' through
Like the poor wayfaring stranger
That they speak about in song
I'm just like a weary pilgrim
Tryin' to find my own way home
Oh, sweet jesus if you're out there
Keep me ever close to you
As I'm travelin' travelin' travelin' through
-Dolly Parton
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